DSA-5653-1: gtkwave security update

Claudio Bozzato has recently identified multiple security vulnerabilities in gtkwave, a proactive waveform viewer specifically tailored for VCD (Value Change Dump) files. These vulnerabilities could potentially allow the execution of arbitrary code should a user unwittingly open malformed files.

In total, the vulnerabilities span across several categories, including integer overflows, buffer overflows, improper array index validation, and OS command injections, affecting various functionalities of GTKWave 3.3.115.

  • CVE-2023-32650 and others relate to integer overflows that lead to memory corruption by processing crafted .fst, .vzt, and .lxt2 files.
  • CVE-2023-34087 and similar expose the system to arbitrary code execution through improper array index validation and out-of-bounds writes by parsing specially designed .evcd, .lxt2, and .vzt files.
  • CVE-2023-35057, CVE-2023-35128, and subsequent CVEs highlight critical buffer overflow conditions, triggered by the decompression functions and handling variable integer data within the application.
  • Finally, CVE-2023-35959 through CVE-2023-35964 disclose vulnerabilities from OS command injections that could be activated via specially structured wave files.

It´s crucial for organizations to recognize the severity of these vulnerabilities and update their systems to the latest version of GTKWave to mitigate these security risks. Additionally, considering a comprehensive approach towards patch management, especially for Linux-based systems that commonly run applications like GTKWave, turns essential.

For streamlined and automated patch management, consider leveraging tools like LinuxPatch, a robust platform designed to help efficiently maintain the security integrity of Linux servers.

Stay informed, stay protected. Ensure your systems are up-to-date with the latest patches and guard against potential threats by initiating a structured update protocol.