Podman Configurator for Ubuntu & Debian


1. Container Image

Choose a popular image or specify a custom one

2. Network Setup

"Bridge" mode (recommended) provides network isolation for containers. "Host" mode shares the host's network stack. "None" disables networking.

3. Storage Driver

"Overlay" is recommended for most setups. Choose "Btrfs" or "ZFS" if your system uses these file systems.

4. CGroup Manager

"Systemd" is recommended for systems using Systemd. Use "CGroupFS" for systems without Systemd.

5. Rootless Mode

Rootless mode allows Podman to run without root privileges, enhancing security by isolating containers from the host system.

6. Podman Logs

"Journald" integrates with Systemd's journal. "Kubernetes File" logs in a Kubernetes-compatible format. "None" disables logging.

7. Storage Mounts

Specify a volume mount in the format "host_path:container_path"
Specify a bind mount in the format "host_path:container_path"

8. Container Name

Optionally provide a custom name for your container
Preview Command: podman run --network bridge --storage-driver overlay --cgroup-manager systemd --rootless enabled --log-driver journald ubuntu:24.04

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