Debian Unattended Install Configuration Generator

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Generated Configuration:

How to Use Your Preseed File

Follow these steps to create a custom Debian ISO with your preseed file:

  1. Download the official Debian ISO image from the Debian website.
  2. Use tools like mkisofs or genisoimage on your local machine to embed the preseed file.
  3. Follow these steps to create a custom ISO:

    # Mount the original ISO
    mkdir /mnt/iso
    sudo mount -o loop debian.iso /mnt/iso
    # Copy contents to a working directory
    mkdir ~/custom-iso
    rsync -a /mnt/iso/ ~/custom-iso/
    # Place the downloaded preseed file in the appropriate directory
    cp ~/Downloads/preseed.cfg ~/custom-iso/preseed/
    # Create the new ISO
    sudo mkisofs -r -V "Custom Debian ISO" \
        -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
        -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
        -boot-info-table -o ~/custom-debian.iso ~/custom-iso
    • Replace debian.iso with the name of your downloaded Debian ISO.
    • Adjust paths as necessary for your system.
    • You may need to modify the bootloader configuration (optional).
  4. Burn or deploy your custom ISO:

    • Use a tool like Etcher or Rufus to create a bootable USB drive with your custom ISO.
    • If using a virtual machine, you can directly boot from the ISO file.
    • For physical servers, you may need to burn the ISO to a DVD.

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