How to Upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS brings the latest updates and improvements. This guide will help you upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, ensuring you benefit from new features, enhanced security, and improved performance.

Why Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?

  • Enhanced security features
  • Improved performance and stability
  • Latest hardware support
  • New and updated applications
  • Better cloud and container technology support

Pre-Upgrade Checklist

Before you begin:

  • Backup your data
  • Check system requirements
  • Update your current Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system

Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Step 1: Update Your Current System

Open a terminal and run:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt autoremove -y
Step 2: Install the Update Manager
sudo apt install update-manager-core
Step 3: Initiate the Upgrade
sudo do-release-upgrade

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade. This process may take some time and will require several system reboots.

Post-Upgrade Steps

After upgrading, ensure:

  • All services are running correctly
  • Restore any data from backups if necessary
  • Install any additional updates for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

The Role of Patch Management

Keeping your system updated is crucial for security and performance. Patch management automates this process, making it easier to maintain multiple servers.

Benefits of using

  • Automate updates across multiple servers
  • Ensure compliance with security standards
  • Improve overall system security
  • Reduce system downtime

For simplified Linux server management, consider using This platform automates patch management, ensuring your systems are always up to date with the latest patches and updates.