Migrating from CentOS to AlmaLinux: A Comprehensive Guide


With CentOS 8 reaching its end of life, AlmaLinux emerges as a stable and secure 1:1 binary-compatible fork of RHEL. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the migration process from CentOS to AlmaLinux.


Before You Begin
  • ✅ Backup or snapshot of your current system
  • ✅ CentOS version 8.4 or higher
  • ✅ Administrative access to the system

Step-by-Step Migration Guide

sudo dnf update -y

This command updates all the packages on your system to the latest versions.

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlmaLinux/almalinux-deploy/master/almalinux-deploy.sh

This command downloads the migration script from AlmaLinux's official repository.

sudo bash almalinux-deploy.sh

Execute the script to start the migration process. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully.

sudo reboot

Reboot your system to boot with the AlmaLinux kernel.

cat /etc/redhat-release
sudo grubby --info DEFAULT | grep AlmaLinux

These commands verify that your system is now running AlmaLinux.

Handling Errors

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Migrating from CentOS to AlmaLinux ensures a secure and stable operating system. By following this guide and leveraging tools like LinuxPatch.com, you can maintain an up-to-date and secure system effortlessly.