Docker Configurator for Ubuntu & Debian


1. Container Image

Choose a popular image or specify a custom one

2. Network Setup

"Bridge" mode (recommended) provides network isolation for containers. "Host" mode shares the host's network stack. "None" disables networking.

3. Docker Logs

"Journald" integrates with Systemd's journal. "Kubernetes File" logs in a Kubernetes-compatible format. "None" disables logging.

4. Storage Mounts

Specify a volume mount in the format "host_path:container_path"
Specify a bind mount in the format "host_path:container_path"

5. Container Name

Optionally provide a custom name for your container

6. Restart Policy

"No" never restarts the container. "Always" always restarts the container. "On-failure" restarts only if the container exits with a non-zero status. "Unless-stopped" restarts unless explicitly stopped or Docker itself is stopped or restarted.

7. Privileged Mode

Warning: Privileged mode gives all capabilities to the container, and it also lifts all the limitations enforced by the device cgroup controller. Use with caution.

8. Persistent Mode

Persistent mode keeps the container around after it exits. This allows you to inspect the container's file system or logs after it has stopped.
Preview Command: docker run --network bridge --log-driver journald ubuntu:24.04

Common Docker Commands

  • List all containers: docker ps -a
  • Stop a container: docker stop [CONTAINER_ID or NAME]
  • Remove a container: docker rm [CONTAINER_ID or NAME]

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