USN-6759-1: FreeRDP vulnerabilities

Recent findings have unveiled multiple vulnerabilities in FreeRDP, a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol, which is critical for those depending on this software for their remote desktop needs. The vulnerabilities predominantly impact versions prior to 3.5.1, making them susceptible to various forms of attacks that could lead to denial of service (DoS) or potential data breaches.

CVE-2024-32658: This vulnerability involves an out-of-bounds read scenario where FreeRDP based clients are compromised. The necessary patch is available in version 3.5.1 of FreeRDP, and users are urged to update to this version as no other workarounds are known.

CVE-2024-32660: Another critical issue where a malicious server could crash the FreeRDP client by sending an invalid huge allocation size. Patched in version 3.5.1, upgrading is strongly recommended as there are no existing workarounds.

CVE-2024-32661: This involves a possible NULL access that could result in a crash of the FreeRDP client. Once again, resolution is available in FreeRDP version 3.5.1, which addresses this vulnerability directly.

CVE-2024-32659: This vulnerability centers around an out-of-bounds read if the parameters `(nWidth == 0)` and `(nHeight == 0)` are met. The version 3.5.1 of FreeRDP contains the necessary fixes to mitigate this issue.

CVE-2024-32662: Here, an out-of-bounds read occurs when a `WCHAR` string is incorrectly processed, potentially impacting the security of the connection to the redirection server. The upgrade to version 3.5.1 resolves this problem, enhancing user protection against this specific vulnerability.

For Linux server admins and users of FreeRDP, maintaining security is crucial. One effective way to manage server vulnerabilities is through proactive patch management. Considering the impact and repetitiveness of vulnerabilities like the ones mentioned, utilizing a reliable patch management platform like can significantly aid in maintaining the security integrity of your Linux systems.

Final Thoughts: Ensuring that you're operating on the latest and secured versions of your software is fundamental to protecting your data and system infrastructure. Regularly update your FreeRDP installation, and employ robust patch management strategies to fortify your defenses against potential cyber threats.