USN-6744-3: Pillow vulnerability

Following the initial resolution of a security flaw in the Pillow image processing library, detailed under USN-6744-1, a new update has been issued. This recent update, USN-6744-3, addresses the persistent vulnerabilities specifically for users of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Understanding the Vulnerability

Researcher Hugo van Kemenade pinpointed the core of the vulnerability to improper bounds checks executed when processing an ICC file in Pillow. The malpractice could result in a buffer overflow condition. Buffer overflows are critical as they provide potential for system crashes (denial of service) or worse, allow execution of arbitrary code, potentially handing over control of the affected systems to attackers.

Technical Breakdown

Further technical revelations indicated that the issue stemmed from the use of strcpy instead of the safer strncpy in _imagingcms.c in versions of Pillow before 10.3.0. This usage resulted in CVE-2024-28219. Buffer overflow occurs because strcpy does not check for buffer limits and continues to copy data, leading to overflow situations.

Addressing and Mitigation

The update mandated in USN-6744-3 implies that users of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS need to upgrade their Pillow installation to version 10.3.0 or later, where the buffer overflow vulnerability is appropriately patched. Users can update their systems to safeguard against potential exploits stemming from this flaw.

For organizations and individuals looking for comprehensive solutions in maintaining system integrity against such vulnerabilities, consider visiting LinuxPatch, a dedicated patch management platform for Linux servers. Ensuring your systems are updated can be streamlined effectively through their services.


System administrators and users are urged to take this update seriously and act promptly to apply the Pillow 10.3.0 patch. Maintaining vigilance and ensuring system updates are applied promptly is critical in defending against cyber threats and maintaining operational integrity.