USN-6729-3: Apache HTTP Server Vulnerabilities

In a recent advisory, critical vulnerabilities have emerged, concerning the Apache HTTP Server, particularly spotlighting the ongoing need for robust cybersecurity measures. This news follows the initial patches described in USN-6729-1, which addressed similar issues primarily for systems running on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Among the vulnerabilities identified, researchers Orange Tsai, Keran Mu, Jianjun Chen, and Bartek Nowotarski have pointed out significant flaws that could potentially allow a remote attacker to exploit the server. These vulnerabilities include the mishandling of validating certain inputs, increasing the risk of HTTP request splitting attacks, and a specific issue associated with the HTTP/2 module that could drag the server into an exhaustive loop, ultimately causing a denial of service (DoS).

Two of the major vulnerabilities tracked under CVE identifiers CVE-2023-38709 and CVE-2024-24795 relate to the potential for HTTP request splitting. This kind of security threat involves the crafting of incoming requests that are then interpreted by the server as more than one request. Such scenarios can facilitate unauthorized information retrieval or interference, posing a serious risk to data integrity and security.

Another critical vulnerability, noted under the identifier CVE-2024-27316, concerns the overly generous processing of continuation frames in the HTTP/2 module of Apache HTTP Server. This vulnerability can be exploited to cause the server to allocate excessive processing resources to these functions, effectively leading to a DoS scenario, where legitimate requests cannot be processed timely or at all.

Correcting these vulnerabilities is imperative, and servers running the affected versions require immediate patching. Administrators overseeing systems that operate under Ubuntu 24.04 LTS should expedite the application of these patches to mitigate any potential risks.

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