How to Upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is now available, offering the latest updates and improvements. This guide will walk you through the upgrade process, ensuring a smooth transition from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. We will also explore the benefits of patching and how can simplify this task for your Linux servers.

1. Introduction to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Long Term Support) is the latest version of the popular Linux distribution, bringing a host of new features, security updates, and performance improvements. As an LTS release, it is supported for five years, making it an excellent choice for both desktop and server environments. Upgrading to the latest version ensures that you benefit from the most recent advancements in the Linux ecosystem.

2. Why Upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?

Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS provides several advantages, including:

3. Preparing for the Upgrade

Before proceeding with the upgrade, it's crucial to prepare your system. This includes backing up your data, updating your current system, and ensuring that you meet the requirements for the new version.

3.1. Backup Your Data

Ensure that all your important data is backed up. This can be done using various methods, such as external storage devices, cloud storage, or dedicated backup software. Having a backup will safeguard your data in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade process.

3.2. Update Your Current System

Before upgrading, make sure your current system is up-to-date. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt autoremove

These commands will update your package list, upgrade installed packages, and remove unnecessary packages.

4. Starting the Upgrade Process

Once your system is prepared, you can start the upgrade process. Ubuntu provides a simple command-line tool to facilitate the upgrade.

4.1. Install the Update Manager

First, ensure that the update manager is installed on your system. Run the following command:

sudo apt install update-manager-core

4.2. Begin the Upgrade

Next, initiate the upgrade process by running:

sudo do-release-upgrade

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade. The process may take some time, depending on your internet speed and system performance.

5. Post-Upgrade Steps

After the upgrade is complete, there are a few additional steps to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

5.1. Verify the Upgrade

Check that the upgrade was successful by running:

lsb_release -a

This command should display the new version as Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

5.2. Reinstall Third-Party Applications

Some third-party applications might need to be reinstalled or reconfigured. Verify that all your applications are working correctly and reinstall any that are missing or malfunctioning.

5.3. Clean Up

Remove any unnecessary packages and clean up your system by running:

sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt clean

6. The Importance of Regular Patching

Keeping your system patched is crucial for security and performance. Regular updates ensure that you have the latest security fixes and improvements, protecting your system from vulnerabilities.

6.1. Security

Security patches address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Regular patching helps to protect your system from potential threats.

6.2. Stability and Performance

Patches often include performance improvements and bug fixes, ensuring that your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

6.3. Compliance

Many industries have regulatory requirements that mandate regular patching to ensure security and compliance. Staying up-to-date with patches helps you meet these requirements.

7. Simplifying Patching with

Managing patches across multiple Linux servers can be challenging. is a comprehensive patch management platform that simplifies this process, offering several benefits:

7.1. Centralized Management provides a centralized platform to manage patches across all your Linux servers, making it easier to keep track of updates and ensure consistency.

7.2. Automated Patching

Automate the patching process with, reducing the time and effort required to keep your systems up-to-date.

7.3. Compliance Reporting

Generate compliance reports to demonstrate that your systems meet regulatory requirements, helping you maintain compliance effortlessly.

7.4. Improved Security

Regular patching through ensures that your systems are protected from the latest vulnerabilities, enhancing your overall security posture.

7.5. Easy Integration

Integrate with your existing infrastructure and tools, making it a seamless addition to your patch management strategy.

8. Conclusion

Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS brings numerous benefits, including enhanced security, performance improvements, and access to the latest features. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth upgrade process. Additionally, regular patching is essential to maintain the security and stability of your system, and offers a powerful solution to simplify patch management across your Linux servers.
