Setting Up Linux Containers (LXD) on QNAP Devices

Introduction to LXD on QNAP

QNAP systems provide robust Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions, allowing users to effectively turn their devices into powerful home servers. With support for container technologies like LXD, QNAP users can deploy lightweight and secure Linux containers using either Ubuntu or Debian. This capability is particularly beneficial for hosting a variety of home-based applications such as media servers, development environments, and more.


Before installing LXD on your QNAP device, ensure that your model supports Container Station, which provides a straightforward interface to manage Docker and LXC containers. You should also have a QNAP account and administrative access to your NAS.

Installing Container Station

First, log into your QNAP device’s web interface. Navigate to the App Center, search for "Container Station," and install it. Once installed, open Container Station and enable both LXC and Docker if not already enabled.

Setting Up LXD

After setting up Container Station, you can begin installing LXD. Open a terminal on your QNAP device or connect via SSH, then execute the following commands:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install lxd
    sudo lxd init

The lxd init command will guide you through setting up LXD. It's recommended to use the default settings unless you have specific requirements.

Creating and Managing Containers

Once LXD is installed, you can create and manage containers. Here’s how to launch a new Ubuntu container:

    lxc launch images:ubuntu/20.04 my-container

Replace ubuntu/20.04 with your preferred Linux distribution and version. Use lxc list to see all running containers.

Configuring Network and Storage

Networking and storage configuration can greatly enhance your container’s performance and integration with your local network. LXD supports various network types and can integrate seamlessly with QNAP's network settings. To adjust these settings, modify your container's profile:

    lxc profile edit default

Maintaining and Updating Containers

Keeping your Linux containers updated is crucial for security and performance. Here’s how to update all packages within an Ubuntu container:

    lxc exec my-container -- apt update
    lxc exec my-container -- apt upgrade -y

For regular updates and patches management across your Linux servers, consider using Visit LinuxPatch, a comprehensive patch management platform.


Setting up LXD on QNAP devices unlocks potential for robust application hosting at home. By following the steps outlined above, you can deploy and maintain Linux containers efficiently and securely.