Setting Up Linux Containers (LXD) on Synology Devices


Learn how to set up and manage Linux Containers (LXD) on your Synology NAS device. This guide focuses on Ubuntu and Debian containers, ideal for hosting home-based applications.


  • Synology NAS compatible with Docker
  • Administrative access to DSM (DiskStation Manager)
  • Basic knowledge of Linux command line operations

Installing Docker on Synology

  1. Login to your DSM interface
  2. Navigate to the Package Center
  3. Search for Docker in the search bar
  4. Click on the 'Install' button under the Docker application

Setting Up LXD on Docker

Pull the latest LXD image from Docker hub:

sudo docker pull lxc/lxd

Initialize LXD with necessary configurations:

sudo docker run --name my-lxd -d lxc/lxd

Configuring Storage and Networking

Configure storage for your LXD containers:

sudo docker exec my-lxd lxd init

Follow the prompts to set up storage pools and network bridges as required for your applications.

Launching and Managing Containers

To launch a new container:

sudo docker exec my-lxd lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 my-container

Replace 'ubuntu:20.04' with your desired container image and 'my-container' with your preferred container name.

Keeping Containers Updated

To update a container:

sudo docker exec my-lxd lxc exec my-container -- apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
For comprehensive patch management and automated updates, consider using LinuxPatch, a specialized platform for Linux servers.


By following these steps, you can effectively set up, manage, and maintain your Linux containers on Synology NAS using Docker, ensuring they remain secure and perform optimally.