Autopilot: Revolutionizing Patch Management for Linux Servers

What is Autopilot?

Autopilot is an advanced feature that automates the deployment of updates to your Linux servers, ensuring optimal security and performance.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated update process
  • Enhanced system security
  • Improved performance and efficiency
  • Time-saving for IT administrators

Enhanced Security

Autopilot prioritizes your system's security by promptly applying the latest security updates.

Security Benefits:

  • Immediate application of security patches
  • Protection against latest vulnerabilities
  • Reduced risk of security breaches


  • Minimized downtime due to security incidents
  • Increased data protection
  • Enhanced overall system integrity

Improved Performance

Regular updates through Autopilot ensure optimal system performance and access to new features.

Performance Enhancements:

  • Faster processing times
  • Reduced latency
  • Better resource management
  • Access to latest features and improvements

Time Savings

Autopilot significantly reduces the time and effort required for system maintenance.

Benefits for IT Administrators:

  • Automated update process
  • Reduced administrative burden
  • More time for strategic tasks

Risk Reduction:

  • Minimized human error
  • Consistent and accurate updates
  • Improved system reliability

Reduced Downtime

Autopilot helps prevent unexpected failures and minimizes system downtime.

Downtime Prevention:

  • Proactive issue resolution
  • Scheduled updates during off-peak hours
  • Minimized impact on operations
  • Increased system stability and reliability

How to Enable Autopilot

Follow these simple steps to enable Autopilot on your server:

  1. Log in to your account on
  2. Navigate to your server settings
  3. Locate the Autopilot feature and switch it to ON
  4. Autopilot will now handle updates automatically

Important Considerations

While Autopilot is beneficial for most users, there are scenarios where manual control may be preferred:

Consider Manual Updates When:

  • Managing critical applications requiring stability
  • Operating in bandwidth-sensitive environments
  • Needing fine-grained control over update timing

Need Assistance?

Our support team is here to help with any questions or issues regarding Autopilot.

Contact Support

Get Started with Autopilot Today

Experience the benefits of automated updates and enhanced system security.

Enable Autopilot Now