Understanding CVE-2024-1724: A Security Breach in snapd

Welcome to our detailed discussion on a significant security concern that has emerged in the Linux ecosystem, specifically impacting the snapd service. This article aims to provide LinuxPatch customers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of CVE-2024-1724, its implications, and how to safeguard your systems against this vulnerability.

CVE-2024-1724 Overview

This issue has been assigned a severity level of MEDIUM with a CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score of 6.3. Snapd, which is integral to the management of Snap packages in various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, is adversely affected by this vulnerability. Snapd versions prior to 2.62 contain a significant security oversight in the handling of sandbox permissions under AppArmor.

The core of the CVE-2024-1724 problem lies in the way snapd does not adequately restrict write operations to the $HOME/bin path. This path, when present, is automatically included in the user's PATH environment on Ubuntu systems. Consequently, if an attacker persuades a user to install a malicious Snap that utilizes the 'home' plug, they could potentially navigate beyond the intended restrictions of the snap sandbox. This breach enables the execution of arbitrary scripts within the user's PATH, leading to unauthorized privilege escalation and security containment breach.

The Role and Importance of snapd

Snapd is the background service that manages and maintains Snap packages — self-contained software packages that include binary data and any dependencies required to run the software. Snaps are designed to provide enhanced security and ease of use, as they are isolated from the rest of the system, reducing the risk of system-wide failures and conflicts between packages.

Impact on Users

The vulnerability poses a threat primarily to users who frequently install Snap applications from untrusted sources. It highlights the need for vigilance when installing Snap packages and underscores the potential risks associated with inadequate sandboxing practices.

Steps to Mitigate CVE-2024-1724

To mitigate this vulnerability, users are urged to upgrade snapd to version 2.62 or later, where this security oversight has been addressed. Linux system administrators should ensure that systems they manage are updated promptly to prevent exploitation by attackers leveraging this vulnerability. Furthermore, practicing safe software installation habits, such as downloading Snaps only from trusted repositories, is essential.

To check your version of snapd and upgrade, you can use the following commands in your terminal:

sudo snap version
sudo snap install snapd --classic


Addressing CVE-2024-1724 effectively necessitates both timely system updates and cautious software installation practices. As cybersecurity threats evolve, staying informed through reliable sources and leveraging professional services like LinuxPatch is crucial for maintaining system integrity and security.

Need Assistance?

If you require further assistance or guidance concerning CVE-2024-1724 or need help with managing patches for your Linux servers, please visit LinuxPatch.com. Our platform offers comprehensive patch management solutions tailored for Linux systems, ensuring your infrastructure remains secure against potential vulnerabilities.