Understanding the Impact of CVE-2023-52457 on Linux Kernel

Hello LinuxPatch Customers,

In our commitment to keep you informed and secure, we're shedding light on a recent high-severity vulnerability identified within the Linux kernel. Known as CVE-2023-52457, this issue has been given a CVSS score of 7.8, indicating a significant risk that requires immediate attention.

What is CVE-2023-52457?

This vulnerability centers around incorrect handling of certain resources in the Linux kernel, specifically within the serial 8250 driver on OMAP (Open Multimedia Applications Platform) hardware. The primary concern is the potential for a used-after-free error, which occurs when the driver fails to properly free resources during a failure in the pm_runtime_resume_and_get() function. Such a condition not only causes a resource leak but may also allow an attacker to exploit this state to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges.

How Does This Affect Your System?

This vulnerability specifically impacts systems that use OMAP-based serial ports managed by the 8250 driver. If your system or devices rely on this technology for serial communication, it's crucial to address this vulnerability promptly to prevent potential exploitation. The use-after-free condition could lead to system instability, information leakage, or even give attackers a foothold to further compromise the system.

Steps to Mitigate the Risk

The most effective way to mitigate the risks associated with CVE-2023-52457 is by applying updates to your Linux system as soon as they become available. Here at LinuxPatch, we provide timely and secure patches for vulnerabilities like these. Updating your system through our patch management platform ensures that you are protected against such threats without having to manually monitor and apply patches.

We encourage you to visit our website at LinuxPatch to learn more about how our services can help keep your systems secure. Our platform simplifies the process of managing and applying patches, ensuring that your Linux servers remain up-to-date with the latest security measures.


Staying informed and proactive in managing cybersecurity threats is crucial in today’s digital age. CVE-2023-52457 is a reminder of the complexities and potential vulnerabilities within systems that many might overlook. By understanding these threats and taking appropriate actions, you can significantly enhance the security and stability of your IT environment.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Visit LinuxPatch today to see how we can assist in securing your systems against this and other vulnerabilities.

Stay safe and secure,

Your LinuxPatch Team