Understanding CVE-202s-46663: Addressing a High Severity Vulnerability in GNU Less

Welcome to our detailed analysis of CVE-2022-46663, a notable cybersecurity concern that was identified in the GNU Less utility, versions prior to 609. Our goal is to enlighten you, our LinuxPatch customers, on the essence of this vulnerability, its implications, and the available resolutions to ensure your systems remain secure.

What is GNU Less?

GNU Less is a widely-used terminal pager program in UNIX-like systems, designed to view (but not change) the contents of a text file one screen at a time. It is particularly helpful when dealing with large files or streams, such as logs or output from another command. The utility is favored for its ability to handle complex inputs and support for various encoding types, making it an indispensable tool in many Linux administrators’ toolkit.

About CVE-2022-46663

This vulnerability has been marked with a high severity score of 7.5. It arises from an issue where GNU Less before version 609 fails to properly filter ANSI escape sequences when the '-R' option is used. ANSI escape sequences are used to control the appearance of text, such as color or movement on video text terminals. When not properly filtered, these sequences can be exploited to perform malicious actions such as file manipulation or data leakage.

Implications of the Vulnerability

The exploitation of this vulnerability can lead to several security risks. Most notably, an attacker can craft malicious inputs that leverage the unfiltered escape sequences to execute unintended commands or alter the appearance of the terminal output, misleading the end-user or administrator. Such capabilities pose a significant threat in environments where terminal outputs guide critical operations or decision-making processes.

Steps to Mitigate CVE-2022-46663

If you are using a version of GNU Less earlier than 609, it is crucial to update to the latest version immediately. The developers of GNU Less have addressed this vulnerability in subsequent releases, ensuring that ANSI escape sequences are properly filtered. To update GNU Less on a Linux system, you can use your distribution’s package manager. For instance, commands like sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get install less will typically suffice on Debian-based systems.

Additionally, as part of routine system maintenance and security best practices, ensure that you are regularly applying updates for all software on your systems. Keeping your systems up-to-date is one of the most effective defenses against vulnerabilities that could compromise your IT infrastructure.

Visit our website at LinuxPatch.com for comprehensive patch management solutions that can help automate and streamline the update process for your Linux servers, ensuring you stay protected against vulnerabilities like CVE-202s-46663 and others.

For further information or assistance in updating your systems, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at LinuxPatch. We are here to help secure your digital environment against potential threats.


Understanding and addressing vulnerabilities like CVE-2022-46663 is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your IT infrastructure. By taking proactive measures and utilizing effective tools such as those offered by LinuxPatch, you can safeguard your systems from exploitation and ensure operational continuity. Remember, in the realm of cybersecurity, prevention is always better than cure.