Understanding CVE-2022-28652: A Closer Look at Vulnerabilities in Apport

Welcome to our detailed exploration of CVE-2022-28652, a significant security concern for Unix-like operating systems, particularly those using the Apport error reporting tool. This medium-severity issue, marked by a CVSS score of 5.5, involves vulnerability to a type of exploit known as the "billion laughs" attack. The following provides an in-depth look at CVE-2022-28652, its implications for security, and recommended actions for safeguarding your systems.

What is Apport?

Apport is an error-handling software utility designed to systematically report bugs in the Ubuntu operating system and its derivatives. This software automatically gathers data from crash sites and interfaces with bug tracking systems, making it easier for developers to understand the causes of crashes and for users to report bugs smoothly.

Understanding the Vulnerability

The vulnerability known as CVE-2022-28652 primarily affects the setting parsing system within Apport's configuration files, particularly in the ~/.config/apport/settings directory. A "billion laughs" attack is a type of denial-of-service attack that creates a specific form of XML that recursively encodes entities, leading to exponential growth in the number of entities as the document is parsed. This can cause consuming applications to exhaust system resources, potentially leading to system crashes and unavailability.

Implications of CVE-2022-28652

An attacker exploiting this vulnerability could potentially disable error reporting or even affect the execution of other applications on the system through resource exhaustion. Given its potential impact on system availability and stability, it is crucial for system administrators and users to ensure that patches and security updates addressing this issue are applied promptly.

Securing Your System Against CVE-2022-28652

To mitigate the risks associated with CVE-2022-28652, the following steps should be undertaken:

  • Regularly update your system with the latest security patches provided by your Linux distribution.
  • Monitor and scan your systems regularly to detect and respond to unauthorized changes or anomalous behaviors.
  • Configure system logs to capture details regarding application failures, which could indicate attempts to exploit this vulnerability.

Ubuntu and other affected distributions quickly respond to such threats by releasing updates or patches to fix vulnerabilities. Keeping your system up-to-date ensures that you have the latest security enhancements and vulnerability patches.


CVE-2022-28652 highlights the critical need for rigorous system management and regular updates. While the severity of this particular CVE is rated as medium, the potential for service disruption makes it a significant concern.

For users requiring comprehensive patch management solutions to secure their Linux servers against such vulnerabilities, visiting LinuxPatch.com offers robust tools and resources to manage system updates effectively. Staying proactive in cybersecurity management is your best defense against potential cyber-attacks.